Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Just got an email from George Thomas about maintaining a blog for RAO. I'll let him know about this one in case he wants to post a link to it. It's hard enough to get into the habit of writing down information about my training, although I know I should. The last thing I need is a bunch of blogs scattered all over the place. Pencil and paper has its appeal.

Sunday I got out copies of my UMCA milage challenge forms for 2005 and tried to summarize the highlights. I made notes on the back of the form for Sunday's ride and then made a copy. BTW, the current standings were recently updated. I'm still in 9th place:

I guess I should mention that my plans for the Vanilla have taken a turn. I decided to convert my Lemond to a fixie and have Sacha build me a fixed tandem instead of a single. To me, that seems like a better use of limited resources (i.e. my money). The thing I regret most when I'm out on long rides is that there's usually no one with me to share the experience. I'm hoping David and Lara will keep me company once the tandem is done.

Of course, it wasn't long after I told Sacha about the tandem before visions of RAAM 2010 began floating around in my head and I started to lust after a single Vanila fixie again. I'm getting WAY ahead of myself, though. Let's deal with the next two years first. Spoken like a true rookie, I suppose.


P.S. I can't decide whether numbers for titles is banal or not. Oh well... that's the least of my worries. Might as well stick with it for now.


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