One Hundred Ninety-Five

Mud Flap

I installed my old Vetta saddle on the Lotus in place of the one that came with the bike. It feels much nicer. I also added a mud flap to the fender. Pretty, eh?
Got an email from Joel this morning. He asked the ibike_or list for advice about where to get a new fixie. I was more than happy to help give him some pointers. Among other things, I referred Joel to the Community Cycling Center. Later I told Tuan about the CCC too. Ed even seemed mildly interested in bikes for a second. I wonder if I can get him riding again. That would be an accomplishment. He really likes his car.
I need one of those. I used to ride my bike all the time back home, and will soon be back there. It gets pretty muddy in MT in the spring!! Do those actually exist? Where could I find one?
Here's where I got the one in the picture:
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