Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Two Hundred Forty

Matthew Rider here:

I just got off the phone with Mike and John (8:35PM PST) and despite a bad connection I managed to get the following...

John had just finished the (approximately 20 mile) descent off of Wolf Creek. A 20 mile descent sounds great at first, but I imagine it would get old after awhile. Of course I haven't been on a bike for three days, I suppose whatever soreness one might get from a tight tuck would be well worth the break from pedaling it might offer, and of course a 20 mile descent means one had to climb to get high enough to go downhill for twenty miles. The top of the ascent brought him up into the sun which must have been nice since he had to get bundled up for the descent. I don't have a weather report for John's location but the RAAM website says there is rain and wind to deal with a few hundred miles ahead of John so he may be on the edge of that.

While climbing John caught someone and then traded spots with him on the descent. John was also fortunate enough to have the company of two media crews while climbing. They talked with him as he stopped every so often for a bite to eat. I'm sure having the attention and someone new to talk to was a nice distraction.

As I was talking with Mike getting an update they pulled into a time station (17 I think) and Mike told me there were four teams there. Mike also told me John is having some problems with his, uh, sitting area but Upton (I think) is doing a great job taking care of John so he should be all right.

Unfortunately I don't have much to say about my conversation with John. I tried finding out if the Whopper he reported eating in his last post was a regrettable meal choice but the bad connection and odd sounds coming from the van's PA system cut the call short.

He's planning on sleeping for one hour then he'll get back on the bike.
...and I feel like I've had a long week.
931 miles down - 2111 to go

Go John!


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