Monday, November 06, 2006

Two Hundred Two

Saturday I rode to the Grand Lodge in Forest Grove and joined the Oregon Randonneurs for a 100K. It was fairly dry at the start, but we were TRES soaked by the end. We finished in Verbort. I had a couple of sausages, a hot cocoa, and some coffee at the sausage festival before riding home. I rode with John Climaldi for a while out to Snoozeville but couldn't keep up. He was too strong for me. I finished in a small group including Nate Armburst, who took some neat pictures.

On Sunday, David, Lara and I headed out to Barton park for 'cross. David and Lara rode in the kiddie 'cross race for the first time. I rode in the single speed race again. The course was REALLY fun. Some rain, lots of mud, water, steep hills - the works! I rode all of the technical stuff, including the ditch. The first lap, I hesitated at the edge of the ditch and decided to dismount and run it. On the second lap I watched someone else ride it, so I gave it a try and almost made it up the other side. The third lap, I took it full speed and rode it all the way through. Hugh Gapay was there with his son. We chatted for a while before the kiddie 'cross race. There are so many familiar faces at these races. It's great!

This morning I did some quick maintenance on the Country Road Bob before work: overhauled the headset, cleaned and lubed the chain, put the rack back on (using blue lock tight), installed a new rear fender, and greased some bolts on the stem.

Today's weather forecast in the Oregonian called for "Pouring Rain". My ride home should be fun.


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