Two Hundred Three

According to my training plan, this is the first week of my base phase. (The last three months were the prep phase.) Last Sunday I went to the 'cross race in Estacada instead of riding long, but since then I've been hitting my milage targets. I used Google Earth to estimate the distance I've been riding. It turns out that the route I followed Tuesday-Thursday is very close to the 25 miles I planned to ride. I woke up around 4:30, had breakfast, rode the loop, cleaned up, had second breakfast, and then rode to work. Wednesday and today I worked out in the gym. I did legs both days and upper body today. I've also been sqeezing in some yoga here and there. The forecast is for sun Saturday and wind and rain Sunday, so I think I'll ride long on Saturday. I started using my new Selle An-Atomica Titanico saddle late last week. The rails on that thing are LONG. I'm still experimenting with the fit, and I haven't ridden that far on it yet, so it's a little early to pass judement.
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