Post Two Hundred Forty Four
Upton posting from Ft Scott, KS - This is where we plan to let John rest tonight, and my shift have driven ahead and got into a hotel. We had the day off, but met up with John in El Durado, KS, and planned on how far he wished or thought he could go toady. John is doing fine, and we are getting support from a lot of other teams. As the relay teams go through, we get a lot of encouragement for him. Yesterday, before the last major climb in the Rockies, a small group came over to the van and remarked about he is their hero. I had to motion them away from the van, as we planned a 90 min sleep break before the last accent. They did not even realise he was in there, but greatly respected that he needed the quiet but talked with Dan and myself.

Most of the way up the climb, a nice lady, whose name has escaped us all (email if it is you in the pic later) stopped and chatted during a brief break.

Also, Kandy Bennett of the Skyloine Service Station at TOp of Yarnell Grade Hill ) no we did not forget you!) just have not had internet service, came out to say hi and pose as well.

John's thoughts to the Rockies was best covered at the end of the 9900 ft climb, ending the major climbing of the Rockies by wanting this quote "I am holding my strength"
I have taken quite a few pictures of John and crew during the race so far... especially good candid shots of all. We are looking for a way to really post most of them... but you are getting the nice shots...
Way to go Big Brother! Sorry to miss seeing you ride thru, but I've been watching thru the net. Wasn't sure you on the bike, or Dad in the car, would make it... but as always you pulled through top-notch. You make it easy to find something to brag about.
Love Sis
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