Sunday, June 17, 2007

Two Hundred Forty Six

Rider again...
John has just gotten into time station #32, (I'm not even sure they have even called in yet) and John is taking a rest in the van. The plan is to have him sleep for about an hour and a half but he often gets up after an hour so I'll be calling back then and might get a chance to talk to him.
John spent 3-4 hours in a hotel after getting through time station 30. That's got to be the explanation for the low speed (7.72) between time station 30 and 31. Hopefully the rest did him some good and he has started building back up some safety over the cutoff speed.
John's been having some trouble with the heat and again, I hope the rest he's taking now will get him through the heat of the day and he can go strong into the night.
I wish I was there. Or do I? It's easy to be encouraging and chipper when I'm not sleep deprived, hot and seeing the effects of sleep deprivation on a good friend. I was just talking to Julia who is going to be flying out to see John and I told her that despite how tired, or grumpy or angry John might be, to tell him to get back on that bike and ride. He might be hating his life but he's likely pushed himself as far past whatever limits he thinks he has and he needs the crew to do the rest.
Go John go!


Blogger Dennis Ahern said...

You are making us fixie/single speeders mighty proud! Stay ahead of that cutoff and make some history. To even try to do RAAM with one speed is an amazing officialy finish would be superhuman. GO JOHN GO.

7:10 PM  

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