Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Two Hundred Forty Nine

Average speed is still up. 10.49 through TS 42. I haven't had contact with the crew for awhile so I'll have to assume that an average of 9.69 mph between TS 41 and 42 was the result of time off for a good (and well deserved) rest. 684 miles to go.

Pictures of the Sabertooth Salmon on the RAAM website.


Blogger raogeorge said...

Hey John,

We are sooooooooooooo proud of what you've done - keep going. You're in the killer part of the race right now - you're so close to the finish but it's still a long way to go. Don't get demoralized - you're at the Chevron Station on HWY 26 - sleeping is going to nail you. KEEP MOVING and don't get off your bike any more. Everyone thought/thinks you are a champion for making it as far as you have already - only you know the difference in what it feels like to stop at the base of Timberline as opposed to making it to the top. Don't let the well wishers get in the way of your official finish. Does your crew have a cell phone we can call you on? We are available for you guys to call any time 541.354.1520 between now and the finish line.


George and Terri

12:28 AM  
Blogger Sandy said...

John -

You are a STUD! Your crew should be attaching giant beach balls to your bike RIGHT NOW!!! (can't wait to see THAT picture on the Boardwalk....)

In the meantime, gotta ride the bike. TS40 was a huge relief but it wasn't the finish line, so don't relax too much. You've got two hard days of riding left. Make sure you get everything you can out of yourself because you know that it's inside you to be an official finisher.

This - Day 11 of the Race Across AMerica - is what you came here for.


8:00 AM  
Blogger ultracyclist said...

We're cheering for you! Keep the cranks turnin'!


8:16 AM  
Blogger raogeorge said...

You guys have got to be tough now - the only "well deserved break" remaining is when you get to Atlantic City. Reality - there's no more time in the bank: Athens, Parkersburg, Smithville, Grafton, Gormania, Rouzerville and LaVale are all very likely single digit average speed time stations. You've (crew and rider!) put in an AMAZING effort - Keep him moving.


George and Terri

9:05 AM  
Blogger raogeorge said...

WOOHOO!!! 13.35 mph to Athens - you ROCK!!


9:33 AM  
Blogger John Henry said...


Just keep turning the pedals and you can do it!

10:44 AM  
Blogger Sandy said...

Welcome to West Virginia!

Whoo-ee! Keep up the great work. You've picked up the pace substantially. Knowing that you are getting everything you can out of your body WILL help your mind.

Weather report for the next 24
hours: Sunny and slight tailwinds (WNW winds 8-10).

There are a few t-showers coming in from west to east, but if you keep on this pace you'll definitely stay ahead of them.

12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay on target! Almost there~! ;)

8:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

holy crap dude!!!!!

you are fricking there!!!! you are truly amazing my friend.......way to go!
p.s. what's next? a well, get alot of rest..you must of had a awesome crew- -kudos to them!

11:00 AM  

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