Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Passed a house on fire as I was riding to work this morning. I could see flames, and smoke was billowing out the back. A firetruck blasted it's horn as it raced by me about 30 seconds later. I turned around. By the time I got back, the firemen had their hoses out and were in the back yard already. They're fast! Not sure if I should have tried to do anything. I didn't have a cell phone, so I couldn't call 911 and there was already someone walking around in front of the house.

Joe and I traded emails about his new bike, places to ride, saddles, lights, etc. I told him about the train trestle on Dick Road - except I didn't. I just said there was something really neat out there that he had to see. I said it would make for an exciting dare in a game of truth or dare. It must be a good 500-1000 feet across and maybe 70 feet high in the middle.

After work I took David to Tae Kwon Do. On the way their I asked him which was better, bikes or cars? I'm proud that he knew the right answer.

PT after dinner: 4x20 push ups, 4x20 sit ups, 3x3 pull ups. The last set of push ups were starting to feel difficult. Embarrassing.

Ordered a bunch of stuff from hammer/e-caps. That should get me through RAO at least.


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